OCRE (Open Clouds for Research Environments)

Pošta Slovenije d.o.o. is successful company with long tradition that operates in several business fields. Classical postal services were constantly updated with modern electronic services in recent years. Positaa is branded name for information services provided by Pošta Slovenije and its daughter company Posita. Brand Posita covers all information services (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, XAAS) which are provided by our own IT and building infrastructure, which fully ensures secure e-commerce.

What can we offer

Azure Stack HUB

Secure Data center

Veeam® backup on NAS disks

Secure your data with Veeam® solutions and backup (store) your data in our Data centers in Slovenia!


Our team will help you with consulting and advising. Together we will find the best solution for you!

Do not hesitate to contact us!


Prijavite se na Posita e-novice in ostanite obveščeni o naši ponudbi, storitvah, nasvetih, aktualnem in trendih iz sveta IT.